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Solidarity mosaic course

Dates and times to be defined with the participants


EquIncontro Nature

A mosaic master at your complete disposal for an artistic, beautiful and ethical project !!

Solidarity mosaic course
Solidarity mosaic course

Orario & Sede

Dates and times to be defined with the participants

EquIncontro Nature, Tuscolana registered office km 32,300 Operational headquarters, Via Carpinello, snc, 00079 Rocca Priora RM, Italy



From the cutting of the stone to the choice and assembly of the tiles, a mosaic master will guide the participants through all the steps that will lead to the creation of their personal and collective mosaic. The personal one will remain with the participant. The collective one will then be exhibited in an art auction whose proceeds will go to charity. The meetings will be held in the natural setting of EquIncontro Natura between flowery meadows and grazing horses. In case of bad weather the course will be held indoors.

Minimum four participants.

Course calendar:The course will be held in two modules; or on the same weekend, on Saturdays and Sundays; or on two consecutive weekends to be agreed with the participants.

Hours: 6 hours per module for 2 modules

Participation fee:€ 20.00  a module, including materials

Info and Reservations:Letizia Stagno - 338 9550895 - 

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