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Letizia Stagno was born in Rome on 18.03.1967 and is founder and president of the association EquIncontro Natura.
Since childhood, irresistibly attracted to nature and animals, she directed her studies towards scientific subjects and after graduating from scientific high school she obtained a degree in Biological Sciences with Prof. Luigi Boitani, at the University of La Sapienza in Rome.
After years of activity on the field in which he had the opportunity to expand his naturalistic culture (see curriculum vitae ) he deepened his knowledge of the horse looking for an alternative to conventional riding. She had the opportunity to experience different experiences in the world of unconventional riding, until she arrived at the zooanthropological approach applied to equidae. In 2011 he gave birth to the EquIncontro Natura association, where through numerous activities, he decided to share and transmit his passion and experience gained both in the naturalistic and zooanthropological fields. Since 2015 he has been studying the dynamics of the herd of wild horses of the Pratoni del Vivaro (rm). His dream is that of a world full of empathy, respect and sharing among the beings that populate it and he sees the relationship with animal diversity as an inexhaustible source of growth and inspiration. His motto: "Be the change you would like to see in the world (Ganhdi)"

Mara Zingarelli was born in Rome on 06/27/1970.
Lived from an early age in contact with nature, she has always nourished within herself the love for the earth and for its creatures. She graduated in 1995 in Biological Sciences at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and for some years she has been involved in research in the biomedical field, first at the Faculty of Medicine of the same University, obtaining a PhD in Experimental Medicine, then of clinical research at a private company.
In parallel with his training and his profession in the biomedical sector, he has pursued his passions and interests for the teaching of Natural Sciences and Earth Sciences, for the world of children and for everything that is an expression of creativity and imagination through different languages (small crafts, decoupage, modeling of pendants with polymer clay, drawing and painting, Raku ceramics, fairy tales, stories, nursery rhymes and poems in Roman dialect), following specific courses on teaching and laboratory. In particular, she participated in courses held by the National Association of Natural Sciences Teachers and was trained through a theoretical-practical course for Tagesmutter or family nursery educator at home, as part of the Domus-Day Mother Service project of the Rome cooperative. Saints Peter and Paul. Collecting and synthesizing this wealth of interests and experiences, he collaborates with EquIncontro Natura with the aim of transmitting principles of environmental education and respect for nature to children of school and preschool age. Through educational paths with a high ecological content - naturalistic didactic laboratories and playful-expressive laboratory for the creative reuse of waste objects and materials - as well as providing a stimulus for the development of creativity and imagination, it promotes teaching that favors the birth of a " environmental awareness "from an early age, with the aim of raising awareness of eco-compatible and responsible behaviors towards the environment, nature, the animal and plant world. She joined EquIncontro Natura from the early stages of the association's activity, dedicating herself in particular to the EquIncontro Bimbi sector as creator, creator and operator of experiential educational workshops for children.
Emanuela Marrocco e' Graduated in Literature, with a specialization in Cinema. After graduation she continued her studies with a training course as a Professional Educator, then exercising this profession for a certain period, taking care of children with social difficulties. Later, and for 15 years, she worked as organizer of an International Animation Film Festival and an important Comics Fair. She also dealt with territorial and entrepreneurial promotion. She is passionate about Chinese culture and language, which she has been studying for several years. Loves to walk in nature and take care of the earth and its inhabitants, participating with enthusiasm in activities_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb58d-136bad5cf volunteer waste plant trees. In EquIncontro Natura she dedicates herself as an educator to the EquIncontro Bimbi section and participates in the design and implementation of experiential laboratory activities designed for children. Of these activity says: "..._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ I like the fact that, in addition to teaching bb3b-5c3- 136bad5cf58d_ much from children and together, we can experience a lot of fun things that help us understand how the world we live in works "

Carlo Cingolani, master mosaicist-sculptor, passionate about artistic activities, manuals and crafts, founded in 2004, with some collaborators, the cultural association MUSART with headquarters in Albano Laziale (Rm). He has organized and participated in numerous exhibitions in the Castelli Romani area to spread the knowledge of the art of mosaic, also as an aggregative activity of interesting social value. Since 2016 he has been actively collaborating with EquIncontro Natura and EquIncontro Bimbi, using his talent and creativity in workshops and experiential activities.
Annalaura Siercovic She has been practicing Yoga since the age of 25. He studied with numerous Masters e after his training years, he became Teacher of Hatha Yoga, graduating from ISU (Institute of Human Sciences), later specializing in Yoga and Maternity -Motor Disability . After acquiring a second yoga teacher diploma, in 2016 he became a Laughter Yoga Leader and the following year he became a Laughter Yoga Teacher with Laura Toffolo, the first Italian Laughter Yoga Master and Ambassador. In 2017 she becomes Moon Mother with Miranda Gray. In 2018 he became a Gong Master in Rome at Gong Universe, a school affiliated with Christof Berhnard's international school Gong Planet. In EquIncontro Natura, she offers her inspiration and creativity redigendo scripts, designing and creating costumes, objects and soundtracks, interpreted by herself with numerous musical instruments for itinerant shows in Nature.

Serenella Perrino, born in Rome on 07.26.73. In the capital he followed his chemistry studies at the tor vergata faculty. He has carried out various professions in contact with the public and has fueled his passion for the world of animals, working in a commercial activity in contact with pets. Later he obtained the regional diploma of kennel operator and educator, at the kennel of Velletri (Rm). She obtained the Yoga of Laughter Leader diploma and the diploma of Yoga teacher for children at the APS Il canto del drago (Rocca Priora). His communicative and relational attitude found expression in EquIncontro Natura in the sector of promotion and implementation of activities for children and school groups. One of his favorite phrases: "And we just have to burst out laughing !!!"

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